why do i sneeze when i drink beer

Beer, brown liquor, and cider contain the highest levels of sulfites among alcoholic beverages. Sulfites are also found in wine, where they occur naturally as a result of the fermentation process. A study assessed the histamine levels in 17 beers, and the results ranged from 21 to 305 micrograms per litre.

why do i sneeze when i drink beer

Is alcohol-induced sneezing similar to alcohol flush reaction?

However, if you experience severe or persistent symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical advice. A beer allergy is likely caused by an allergy to a specific ingredient in beer, such as grains, colorings, flavorings, or preservatives. To avoid adverse reactions, sensitive individuals should reduce their exposure to sulfites.

Allergic reactions to ingredients

For those with why do i sneeze when i drink alcohol Red Wine Allergies, the symptoms can be quite unpleasant and may last for several hours. In terms of treatment, medications such as antihistamines can help reduce the severity of symptoms in some cases. In this article, we’ll explore why drinking alcohol commonly leads to a stuffed up nose for so many people. More importantly, you’ll discover actionable ways to stop alcohol from inflaming nasal passages so you can avoid the dreaded stuffy nose hangover.


Be sure to tell your doctor if you’re taking any medications or supplements. It means you have to take great care in reading labels and choosing foods and drinks. A small 2014 study of Chinese people with a beer allergy found that sensitivity to sorghum or sorghum malt was the most common cause. If you find that straight spirits make you sneeze, try diluting them with water or soda before you drink them. This will reduce the alcohol in the drink and make it less likely to trigger a sneeze.

Theories Behind Alcohol-Induced Sneezing

Sulfites are a type of preservative that can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Histamine is produced by yeast and bacteria during the fermentation process. While many people are able to metabolize the histamines found in beer, some are sensitive to it. In addition to histamine, beer also contains sulfites, which can irritate allergies for some people. Stuffy nose problem is also termed as sinus congestion which often occurs due to presence of preservatives like sulfur dioxide. To understand what causes stuffy nose on drinking alcohol, it is necessary to understand certain facts.

Why Do I Experience Nasal Congestion After Drinking Alcohol?

The second reason why alcohol can cause sneezing and congestion is that wine, beer, and spirits contain histamine, a compound that elicits an allergic response. Allergic reactions to beer can manifest as abdominal pain and bloating, chest tightness, hives, wheezing, and chest pain. These symptoms can occur almost immediately after ingesting beer and should be treated as severe and potentially life-threatening. Beer contains many ingredients, including water, malt barley, brewer’s yeast, hops, and assorted flavorings. While true beer allergies are rare, it is possible to be allergic to one of why do i sneeze when i drink beer these ingredients.

Why drinking alcohol will make your hay fever worse – Cosmopolitan UK

It can also cause more serious problems, requiring immediate medical help. The symptoms are similar to those caused by histamine intolerance and can easily be confused with allergy-like symptoms. Doing a test can confirm or deny the actual cause of the alcohol intolerance.

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